Online Books and Resources on R

1. R for Health Data Science (

2. Telling Stories With Data

3. Data Analysis and Visualization in R for Ecologists (

4. The Effect: An Introduction to Research Design and Causality | The Effect (

5. Chapter 1 Introduction | ISLR tidymodels Labs (

6. R for applied epidemiology and public health | The Epidemiologist R Handbook (

7. The lidR package (

8. Earth Lab: Free, online courses, tutorials and tools | Earth Data Science - Earth Lab

9. Collaborative Data Science for Healthcare







16.  -- paid Book Series

17. -- paid Book Series

Statistics Notes 2 - Bayesian vs Frequentists

On Bayesian Philosophy, Confidence vs. Credibility 

for frequentists, a probability is a measure of the frequency of repeated events 

→ parameters are fixed (but unknown), and data are random for Bayesians, 

a probability is a measure of the degree of certainty about values 

→ parameters are random and data are fixed 

Bayesians: Given our observed data, there is a 95% probability that the true value of θ falls within the credible region 


Frequentists: There is a 95% probability that when I compute a confidence interval from data of this sort, the true value of θ will fall within it.

Statistics Notes 1 - Hypothesis Testing

Difference between CHI-Square and Proportions Testing

The chi-squared test of independence (or association) and the two-sample proportions test are related. The main difference is that the chi-squared test is more general while the 2-sample proportions test is more specific. And, it happens that the proportions test is more targeted at specifically the type of data you have.

The chi-squared test handles two categorical variables where each one can have two or more values. And, it tests whether there is an association between the categorical variables. However, it does not provide an estimate of the effect size or a CI. If you used the chi-squared test with the Pfizer data, you’d presumably obtain significant results and know that an association exists, but not the nature or strength of that association.

The two proportions test also works with categorical data but you must have two variables that each have two levels. In other words, you’re dealing with binary data and, hence, the binomial distribution. The Pfizer data you had fits this exactly. One of the variables is experimental group: control or vaccine. The other variable is COVID status: infected or not infected. Where it really shines in comparison to the chi-squared test is that it gives you an effect size and a CI for the effect size. Proportions and percentages are basically the same thing, but displayed differently: 0.75 vs. 75%.

Difference between 2-Sample t-test and CHI-Square

CHI-Square is for categorical data and the t-test is for continuous data

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