Terminology used in P&C Insurance

Quote ID Quote Number
Quote Premium Premium offered in the quote document
Quote Issue Date Quote issuance date
Quotation Status Status of the quote
Issuance Type Quote is new or renewed
Policy ID Policy Number
Coverage ID Coverage Number
Policy Issuance Date Policy Issue Date
Policy Expiration Date Policy Expiration Date
Policy Effective Date Policy Effective Date
Endorsement ID Policy Endorsement Number
Transaction Date Policy Transaction Date
Endorsement Type Endorsement Type ( Add coverage, delete coverage, Cancel etc.)
Postal Code - Riskitem Insured vehicle Postal Code
Country Country of risk location
State State where the risk is located
Policy Tenure ( in Years ) Duration of the policy
Gross Written Premium Total premium written and assumed by insurer before deductions. When a company closes a contract to provide insurance against loss, the revenues (premiums) expected to be received over the life of the contract are called gross premiums written.
Net Written Premium Insurance companies often purchase reinsurance to protect themselves against the risk of a loss above a certain threshold; the cost of reinsurance is deducted from gross premiums written to arrive at "net premiums written".
Net Earned Premium That portion of a policy’s premium that applies to the expired portion of the policy. Although insurance premiums are often paid in advance, the insurers typically ‘earn’ the premium at an even rate throughout the policy term.
Coverage Type Type of coverage being applied
Currency Code/ID Policy or Coverage currency
Sum Insured Sum Insured amount at Policy and Coverage level ( Indicates the value of the vehicle to paid in case of total loss )
Deductible Type Policy deductible amount in case of loss or Excess amount
Sum Insured with Combined Single Limit Across Risk Items A policy could have multiple coverages or risk units and respective liability limits /sum insured set for each coverage/risk unit. Combined Single Limit is the single dollar limit that applies to any combination of damage liability claims instead of split limits or as a maximum limit to otherwise applicable split limits where separate dollar amounts apply to each coverage/risk unit.
Payment Method Premium Payment method ( office, branch, online etc. )
Discount Premium discount percentage offered
Commission Comission amount on the policy
Bonus Amount Bonus amount on the policy
Branch Policy issued branch
Service Policy Service as in the policy document
Pay Plan Premium payment plan ( monthly, quarterly, annual etc. )
Third Party Service Third Party Services utilized
Third Party Services Premium Third Party Services Premium amount
Reinsurance Indicator Policy indicator for any reinsurance contract
Reinsurer Name Resinsurer
PERCENTAGE OF AMOUNT ALLOCATED FOR REINSURANCE Chubb's share of reinsurance contract
Acquisition Costs Costs incurred by Chubb in order to acquire/sell a policy
Underwriting Expense Costs and expenditures associated with underwriting activity 
Policy Fee Flat fee to offset any expense incurred for issuing or registering the policy
Installment Fee Installment fee charged for the policy
Issuance Type Policy indicator for new or renewal
Major Class Name The type of insurance coverage (ex. workers compensation, bodily injury, employment practice).
Other Load Percentage Accounts for risks that are specific or unique to the insured for uncertainty that is not already accounted for in the standard insurance rates.
Producer Type Type of Producer (Agent, Broker, Bank etc.)
Producer Type Description Description of the type pf producer
Producer ID or number to uniquely identify a producer
Producer Location ( Country, State, City, Postal Code ) Producer Location information
channel Channel (Branch, Office, Online etc.)
Territory Poducer's territory name , region
SALES PERSON Producer Account or Sales Rep
Claim ID Claim number
Claim Status Claim status - Open, Processing, Closed, Closed without payment etc.
Net Paid Loss Loss amount paid
Loss Claim Amount Estimate Reserve amount set aside for the claim
Salvage amount Salvage amount determined for the loss
Recovery Subrogation Amount Subrogration amount for the claim
Incurred Losses Total loss paid for the claim
ALLOCATED LOSS ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES Expenses that are assignable to specific claims.
ULDF Incurred Loss Development Factor
UNALLOCATED LOSS ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES Expenses those are general in nature, which cannot be assigned to a particular claim
Deductible Claim deductible amount
RiskLocation ID Loss Location reported
LOSS  DESCRIPTION Loss Type information
Cause of Loss Cause of Loss
Claim Occurance Date Date the incident occurred
FIRST NOTICE OF LOSS DATE Date the incident was reported to Chubb
Claim Registered Date Date the incident was registered to Chubb
Claim Transaction Date Claim Transaction time
GAAP Reporting Year - Month Accounting year - month
Underwriting YYYY-MM Underwriting year - month
Claim Transaction Type Description Claim description
Payment Date Date of Loss payment made to customer
Adjuster Adjuster assigned to the claim - Individual, Company
Total Loss Claims total loss indicator ( Y/N )
Currency ID Claim currency
Customer ID ID to uniquely identify a driver
Gender Driver's gender or Name Insured in case of SME and Res
Age Driver's age or Name Insured in case of SME and Res
Occupation Driver's Occupation
Marital Status Driver's marital status or Name Insured in case of SME and Res
Country Driver's Country or Name Insured in case of SME and Res
State Driver's state or Name Insured in case of SME and Res
City Driver's City or Name Insured in case of SME and Res
Postal Code - Insured Driver's Postal Code or Name Insured in case of SME and Res
Prior Loss History Driver's Prior Loss information
Group Sales office group information
Zone Sales office zone information
Region Sales Office region information
Sales Office Sales office number
Branch Sales Office branch information
Sales Point Sales office point information
Country Code MY - Malaysia, SG - Singapore, ID - Indonesia
Claim Type Type of claim.
PAYMENT DATE Date Claim Settlement Offer authorized
Franchise Type FP=Franchise Panel, FA-Franchise Authorized,F=Franchise Holder
Appraiser Type ADJ = External Adjuster, INJ = Internal Adjuster (use adjuster module), INS = Inhouse Surveyor (use insurer module), Blank = None
Desktop Assessment Y=Lablel as desktop assessment
Claim Handler Name Claim handler name
Rate ID Mexico Specific - Premium rates offered to customers in Quote and Policy. Premium rates are revised on periodic basis by local Actuarial team.
Sub-branch Producer sub-branch information
Agent Name Producer or Agent Name
Account Manager Sales team executive or account manager
Contract Type  Type of Policy contract (Comprehensive, Limited etc. )
Operational Expense General operational expenses incurred by Chubb during quotation and policy registration process. This could be monetary amounts or % of Written Premium.
Policy Source Type Type of Policy source ( Personal, Fleet, Fleet-Bulk etc. ) 
Compensation Plan Compensation plan provided to each producer - This could be code like "gold", "platinum", "silver" etc.
Surveyor Fee Fees paid to the surveyor for a given claim
Adjuster Fee Fees paid to the adjuster for a given claim
ADJUSTER ARRIVAL DATE Date adjuster arrives to work the claim
PACKAGE TYPE ABA has 301 types of "packages" (can be grouped in 60 high level groups)
Coverage Name Name of the coverage
ENDORSEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE Date when the endorsement is in effect
ENDORSEMENT END DATE Date when the endorsement ends
LINE OF BUSINESS Line of Business e.g. SME, Residential, Auto
Municipality Municipality where the risk is located
Policy Status Status of the policy
THIRD PARTY SERVICES INDICATOR Indicator showing if third party services is present.
Claims Count Count of the number of claims
Indicator for Auto (0) or P&C (1) Indicator to identify the Line of business
Policy Count Count of the number of policies
Address Address of the risk location
BUSINESS UNIT   Business Unit
CLAIM CLOSED DATE Date of closing the claim
CLAIM CLOSED INDICATOR Indicator describing if the claim is closed
CLAIMANT  ID Unique ID identifying a claimant
CLAIMANT  NAME Name of the Claimant
COVERAGE PERIOD IN DAYS This field contains the coverage period
COVERAGE CLASSIFICATION Breakdown of specific coverages being offered
ENDORSEMENT  CAUSE  DESCRIPTION Description of the specific Endorsement
ENDORSEMENT CAUSE Reason for Endorsement e.g. ABA has 65 different endorsement causes
INCURRED LOSS AMOUNT NET OF DEDUCTION Incurred Loss amount excluding the amount which was deducted.
INSURED  NAME Name of the insured
POLICY DAYS COVERED TILL DATE This field calculates the number of days the policy has been in force
RECORD EFFECTIVE DATE Record effective date
PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION MIX of Product names and Coverages. ABA has 23 type of classes (BRIO, ABASIF, THEFT) 
PRODUCT NAME The specific product name that is being offered i.e home, auto, business owners etc
PRODUCT ORIGIN There are different types 1. Channel, 2. Intermediary and 3 The actual Salesman
ACE SHARE Share of Risk retained by ACE
ACQUISITION COST RATIO Ratio of Acquisition costs to Net Earned Premium
ADJUSTER SHIPMENT DATE Date claim assigned to an adjuster
ADJUSTMENT DOWN AMOUNT Adjustment to reserves 
ADJUSTMENT UP AMOUNT Adjustment to reserves
AGGREGATED SUM INSURED AMOUNT The maximum dollar amount limit that insurance company will pay to the insurer in a given policy period to settle claims. 
AGGREGATED SUM INSURED INDICATOR Indicator for Aggregated Sum Insured 
ALLOCATION  TYPE Allocation type for Reinsurance
APPLICATION  NUMBER This is very specific to ABA where each policy registration might have front end application information associated and business process management (BPM) information added. Not sure if this is applicable to all countries and systems.
AVERAGE EXPENSE PER CLAIM Average amount of expenses incurred to investigate and settle losses.
AVERAGE PAID PER CLAIM Average amount of settled losses per claim. 
BOOKING DELAY A metric that tells how long it takes to issue a policy from the inception/effective date time of a given policy.
BUSINESS  PROCESS  MANAGEMENT ABA system (Business Process Management System)
CALCULATION  TYPE ABA uses this field to show how premium is earned or refunded in cancellation (pro-rata, direct, short term)
CANCELLATION RATIO  Ratio of no. of cancelled policies during the time period to no. of in force policy at the start of the time period. 
CAPTION  MCC  TYPE Used for PeopleSoft reporting in CIPL datamart
CATASTROPHE  CODE / CATASTROPHE  DESCRIPTION / CATASTROPHE  ID The code, description and ID of the catastrophe
CLAIM  CLOSED  WITH  PAY Indicator describing if the claim is settled after payment.
CLAIM  TRANSACTION  TYPE Transaction type for the claim movements
CLAIM CLOSED WITH PAY Indicator showing if the the claim was closed with payment
CLAIM NOTES The notes taken while recording the claim
COMBINED RATIO The Sum of Loss Ratio, Acquisition Ratio & UW Expense Ratio used to help measure profitability.
CUSTOMER  SERVICE  OFFICE Where the quote/policy is serviced 
CUSTOMER  TYPE Customer type could be individual, SME etc.
CYCLE TIME Cycle times are used to measure the rate at which claims are processed
DEFERRED ACQUISITION COSTS   For a policy, acquisition costs are usually expensed evenly, with the amount to be expensed in future periods recorded as Deferred Acquisition Costs in the balance sheet
DIRECT ASSUMED CEDED CODE PCW codes indicating if the business is direct, ceded, retroceded, global treaty, multinational, direct placement etc.
FINANCIAL  LINE  OF  BUSINESS Financial Line of Business
FRAUD FLAG Fraud Flag Y or N
HIT RATIO Ratio of number of issued policies to number of new quotes
IBNR   Incurred But Not Reported factor used for calculating Ultimate Losses
ICE PAYMENT AMOUNT State Tax in claims activity. 
INITIAL NET PREMIUM  Original premium on a policy when issued
INSURANCE  LIMIT  TYPE Aggregate limits, indemnity limits - how the claims are totalled and paid. In Mexico (ABA) are MaxLiabLimit, 1st Loss and Normal.  1st loss is when we pay the loss amount up to the limit on the policy regardless of the actual exposure (applicable for Loss  of money or belongings when these fluctuate widely), Normal is when we pay up to the limit of the policy but at the time of the claim, if we determine that the insured property had a higher value than reported it is deemed underinsured and therefore we adjust the indemnity amount down.
IS  CO  INSURED Indicator showing if the coinsurance is applicable
ISR PAYMENT AMOUNT Federal Tax in claims activity
ISSUANCE AND LEGAL FEES Issuance and legal fees
LOSS EXPENSE WAGES Expense wages related to claim activity .
LOSS EXPENSES Expenses related to claim activity.
LOSS OUT STANDING   Business to confirm - Losses that have been reported to the insurer but are still in the process of settlement.
NET EARNED EXPOSURE SUMINSURED   Exposure is the potential for losses. This is also the measure of the rating units or premium base of a risk. Earned exposure are the Exposure Units actually exposed to loss during the period in question.
NET EARNED EXPOSURE UNITSOFRISK   Exposure is the potential for losses. This is also the measure of the rating units or premium base of a risk. Earned exposure are the Exposure Units actually exposed to loss during the period in question.
OTHER REVENUE   Revenue other than premium related to cover of risk. Examples of ‘Other Revenue’ are given below:
a. Late Payment Fees
b. Extra charges levied for premiums paid in instalments
c. Third Party Services
POLICY ITEM COUNT Count of items covered by a policy
POLICY RISKITEM   Risks/Items covered in a Policy
POLICY TRANSACTION TYPE   Type of Policy Transaction
RANGE  TO  US  DOLLARS Sum Insured Band
RCC  CODE Reinsurance Contract Code
REASON  FOR  CANCELLATION Reason for cancellation of Policy
REINSURANCE  CONTRACT Type of Reinsurance contract
REINSURANCE COMMISION   Reinsurance commission
REPORT  MCC  CAPTIONS Used for PeopleSoft reporting in CIPL datamart
REPORTED CLAIM AMOUNT   Incurred Loss amount
RETENTION RATIO Ratio of No of issued policies to No of Policies available to Renew during the specific time period.
RISK  ITEM  DESCRIPTION Description about the risk which is covered by the policy
RISK  ITEM  ID Unique identifier for the risk Item
RISK  ITEM  NAME Name of the Risk which is covered by the policy
RISK  ITEM  STATUS Status of the risk item
SALVAGE AMOUNT BASE PRICE  Base price of item to be sold as salvage. Aids in setting first estimate
SOURCE  COVERAGE  KEY Coverage Key in local source systems
SOURCE  COVERAGE  NAME Coverage name in local source systems
SUB INDUSTRY TYPE Further breakdown of the type of the business
SURCHARGE AMOUNT surcharge applied to a policy or coverage
TAX ALLOCATION   Tax allocated
TAXES Financial charge or other levy imposed upon a taxpayer (CHUBB as a legal entity) by a state or the functional equivalent of a state such that failure to pay, evasion of, or resistance to collection, is punishable by law.
TOTAL PAYMENT  Total payment made to settle the claim
ULTIMATE LOSS RATIO Ratio of ultimate losses to Net Earned Premium
ULTIMATE LOSSES   Ultimate losses are the sum of Incurred Losses along with Incurred But not reported losses. 
UNDERWRITING EXPENSE RATIO Ratio of underwriting expenses to Net Earned Premium
UNDERWRITING OFFICE Underwriting Office working on a policy
VAT AMOUNT WITHHOLD Value Added Tax withold in claims activity.
VAT PAYMENT AMOUNT Value Added Tax in claims activity.
VAT SALVAGE AMOUNT   Value Added Tax related to claim activity .
XLEVENT  ID / XLEVENT  NAME XL Reinsurance is a method whereby an insurer pays the amount of each claim for each risk up to a limit determined in advance and the reinsurer pays the amount of the claim above that limit up to a specific sum 
XLEVENT  TYPE Type of the XL event
Sub Line Fire, Machinery breakage, Glass, etc.
Annual Aggregate Limit Applies when multiple locations are involved
Annual Revenue Business to confirm - Total annual revenue of the risk item in case of SME
Coverages count Count of the number of coverages
Department Area
Direct Supervisor Direct Supervisor of the user who raises premiums & claims on the system
Frequency of payment Frequency of Premium payment - Monthly, Yearly etc.
Frequency of payment group ABA has about 10 groups
Is ACE the lead? Is Ace the lead for Reinsurance
Losses in Last 5 Years Total paid loss in last 5 years
Max Acceptable Limit
Max Deductible Business to confirm - How is this different from deductible ?
Min Deductible For Risk Control
Origination ABA system (Business Process Management System)
Prior Carrier Prior carrier of insurance
Regional Manager Regional manager of the branch
Reinsurer type ABA has 2 levels: Broker and Reinsurer
VAT original amount Value added tax
Zone Manager Business to confirm - Zone manager in the branch
User Number/ID ID of the CHUBB emplyee creating the record
Premium Related Services Premium for "servicios conexos" (Third party services)
Coverage Base Premium Business to confirm - Base premium of the coverage upon which the reinsurance premium is based 
Policy Base Premium Business to confirm - Base premium of the policy upon which the reinsurance premium is based 
Premium_without_TPS Premium without Third Party Services
Security Measures Indicator showing if security measures are present or not
INDUSTRY ID / INDUSTRY TYPE / INDUSTRY TYPE KEY primary business activity code
NAICS Classification used for segregating Industry Type
Primary Occupation Industry where the risk Item is in operation. Based on Country-Specific Occupation Database
Percentage of discount from Sum Insured with Combined Single Limit  Percentage of discount from the Combined Single Limit
offer Authorized Date The date  loss payment to claimant was authorized
Reinsurance Recovery Amount Reinsurance amount recovered from reinsurer for each accepted claim. 
Claim Recovery Amount Amount recovered from the Claimant or litigant in case excess loss amount is paid. This could happen in case of fraud or the loss payment assessed was erroneous.
Claim Transaction Adjustment Amount Adjustments to claim reserves, expenses, payments. These adjustments could be positive or negative. ABA - importemto
Policy Type Type of policy. In case of Auto to determine if policy is for Individual, Family, Commercial, Fleet, Bulk and non-bulk etc. Bulk and Non-bulk policies are specific to ABA. Logic to identify a bulk or non-bulk policy is in SAS process. Logic is as follows:

if upcase(claveid) in ('XO','BK')
 or (rlob = 'Agn' and alob = 'Mod') /*underwriter class is 'Special'*/
 or (rlob = 'Agn' and alob = 'Carr')  /*underwriter class is 'Highway'*/
 then policy_bulk = 1;
  else policy_bulk = 0;
Surveyor Fee Fees paid to the surveyor for a given claim
Adjuster Fee Fees paid to the adjuster for a given claim
Loss Location ID Reported location where loss occurred. Usually in case of Auto, the loss location is different from risk location (location where vehicle is garaged).
Discount Type Structure of the discount in source system: $ or %
Deductible Policy deductible amount in case of loss or Excess amount
Deductible Type Type of Policy deductible: $ or %
Claim Deductible Claim deductible amount idetermined during settlement.
Claim Deductible Type Type of claim deductible: % or $
TPS Retension Share Portion of the TPS Premium retained by Chubb
Claim Reinsurnace Outstanding Balance Claims Reinsurance reserve outstanding balance amount
Brokerage Fee Fee paid to broker for each policy sold. This is in addition to commision amount.