How to manage Agile in Project

How do we break story cards into tasks?

-          Story cards will generally have 2 tasks

-          Task 1: Development task will include completing (UI, Validation/Wiring, Integration). Some development task may involve only one or two or the above.

-          Task 2: Testing(UI, Validation, Integration, All view ports)

-          Story cards will not be broken as UI piece, Validations piece and Integration piece unless the story points exceed 8 and the split will be based on sections/tiles.

How to estimate?

-          Use Fibonacci series

-          Estimate the entire development effort (UI, Validation/Wiring, Integration) for a particular story card

-          Max allowed story point should be 8. Story card needs to be broken up if points exceed 8

How do we claim points?

-          QA’s to perform high level smoke testing in DEV environment once the development task is complete and move the cards to system testing column for claiming points.  

-          Dev is responsible to get the BA and QA together as far  as possible to move it for claiming points(in local env)

When do we call the story cards as accepted, completed and Done?

-          Once smoke testing is performed in DEV env on a story card, points can be claimed and story card will be called as ‘accepted

-          Once Functional testing is performed in TEST region, story card will be called as ‘completed’

-          Once Business verification is complete, story card will be called as ‘Done’

How do we move incomplete story cards?

-          Story card will be moved to the subsequent sprints until they are moved to ‘accepted’ status

How does the BA, Dev, QA activities take place?

-          (Current Sprint - 1) : Requirement

-          Current sprint: Development + Defects from previous sprint

-          (Current sprint + 1): Functional Testing

-          (Current sprint +2): Business testing

Note: It might be possible that we may not be able to claim many points till the integration pieces are developed.


How does the story board look like? 


Current Iteration


(UI, validations/Wiring, Integration)

Ready for Smoke testing


(Ready for system testing)

(Claim points)


(Ready for Business testing)


Ready to use     In progress
























Next Iteration  






Ready to use     In progress

























Meetings: -

1.       Daily stand up

2.       Sprint planning

3.       Backlog grooming

4.       Customer Demo

5.       Retrospectives

6.       Daily developer time